Arbitration & Litigation

//Arbitration & Litigation
Arbitration & Litigation 2017-11-04T20:57:37+00:00

Our principal strength is our experience and expertise in litigation and other alternative forms of dispute resolution, in both national and international forums. Our expertise spans a wide range of sectors and industries, from shipping, commercial transaction, banking and finance.

We actively seek solutions through mediation, negotiation and other dispute resolution techniques to achieve the outcomes our clients want and need. We provide cost-effective services with a strict policy of “no surprises”.  Our team includes accredited Courts Mediators who can act as a mediator as well as having experience in handling all manner of maritime and commercial disputes from first notification to final appeal.

Where disputes cannot be amicably resolved, our team will pursue recoveries of loss wherever and whenever appropriate with the most efficient and effective solution. Having the local knowledge to apply the regulatory, economic, political and cultural context to legal issues and develop case strategies combined with our lawyers strategic command of a case, we give clients the confidence to take a matter to trial and win. We have a remarkable track record of success both in civil and criminal cases in court.

International arbitration offers flexibility in procedures and rules of evidence; flexibility as to who will determine the dispute; a greater ease of enforcement worldwide under international conventions; and increased levels of confidentiality and neutrality. We directly handled arbitration cases in international arbitration and we are often requested by other firms (National and International) in helping them in their cases due to our maritime knowledge and expertise. Our team has experience in conducting international arbitration including acting as counsel under the major institutional and procedural rules, including those of the SIAC, HKIAC and LMAA.